Note: Click fullscreen button to maximize full game

Game Controls: 

Clicking is the only input. To adopt an animal, click on the computer monitor. This pulls up the adoption site. You can click and drag up the scrollbar to scroll through the available pets. If you have enough points, you can adopt certain pets. Click the adopt button, and they will spawn in your living room. Click the x in the corner to close the site and go back to the living room. Click on pets to give them love, and add points. Hit the escape key to bring up a pause menu.


This game was developed as a final project  as part of a 48-hour game jam.

When we considered the theme of Corona, we thought about it this way: The current state of the world is pretty scary. People are dying from this virus, and there's a lot of uncertainties. So, I wanted to do something light-hearted to help everyone forget about all that's going on. Several shelters have been emptied due to people adopting pets during the quarantine. Many people are stuck at home, completely alone, and just in need of some companionship. So this game allows you to adopt some animals and show them love.

These are the struggles and surprises we encountered as we developed it: My biggest technical challenge on this project was figuring out how to connect the scriptable objects that held information about the animals to the functions/checks that need to be ran. I'm fairly new to SOs, so it'll take me a bit to get a better grasp on them. I ended up just having event triggers on the UI that made whatever animal's information you were hovering over into the child position 0, under a parent that would get the correct components from them. Probably not the best way to do it, but it was cool to see work. I also ended up scraping the idea of animals making noise. Originally, they would bark or meow when clicked. However, since this is essentially just an idle clicker minus the automation, it quickly became insufferable hearing the sounds. Definitely the right call to cut them.


 Unity 2019.2.0, GitKraken, GitHub, Adobe Audition, Visual Studio (all sounds and music are creative commons) 

Room art courtesy of: Stacy Kendra Love, Narcissist Interactive, 

Animal art courtesy of: "[LPC] Cats and Dogs" Artist: bluecarrot16 License: CC-BY 3.0 / GPL 3.0 / GPL 2.0 / OGA-BY 3.0 

GUI assts: (any art not mentioned above was used under creative commons) 

Fonts are open source from Google Fonts 

All animals listed are available for adoption at the Bloomington Animal Shelter:

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withUnity
TagsCasual, Cats, Cozy, Cute, Dogs

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